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30.05.2022. | for companies | gas market
Latvijas Gāze in the Baltic Gas Market Forum

The 14th Baltic Gas Market Forum took place in Tallinn on 25 May this year, where participants reported on the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish gas markets, talked about infrastructure development projects and shared information on the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish natural gas markets.

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13.01.2022. | biomethane | management | sustainability
Latvijas Gāze includes initiatives for the development of biomethane production in the environmental policy of the company

Latvijas Gāze supplies customers with natural gas, which is the most convenient and environmentally friendly traditional fuel for consumers. At times, when environmental aspects are playing an important role in our decision-making, Latvijas Gāze has developed an environmental policy that identifies initiatives that promote greater responsibility for the environment, as well as the development and spread of environmentally friendly technologies.

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