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Results: 3
07.09.2023. | finance
On the availability, sufficiency and price of natural gas in Latvia

On 6 September, Latvijas Gāze participated in the Dienas Bizness conference “Heat Supply and Energy Technologies 2023”. The conference brought together experts from the energy sector to find answers to questions about the availability and price of heat supply services in the upcoming heating season, moments before the start of the new heating season.

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02.12.2022. | management | gas market
Latvijas Gāze participates in the Baltic Gas Market Forum

On 30 November of this year, the 15th Baltic Natural Gas Market Forum was held, which this year was organised by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). These traditional regional meetings bring together energy regulators, market participants and policy makers from the Baltics, Finland, Sweden and Poland.

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30.05.2022. | for companies | gas market
Latvijas Gāze in the Baltic Gas Market Forum

The 14th Baltic Gas Market Forum took place in Tallinn on 25 May this year, where participants reported on the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish gas markets, talked about infrastructure development projects and shared information on the latest developments in the Baltic and Finnish natural gas markets.

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